let's go get lost


[HELLO STRANGERS #02] From No-One to The-One

… And I got myself smiling, unconsciously, seeing him like magic… Tonight he drove me home, and I caught myself smiling. Again. - Sept 2017
So, that was my first impression when I met ‘this stranger’ for the very first time. A ‘he’, with square glasses on his face, a pair of calm and friendly eyes, and a smile. When I met him, he was playing keyboard, enjoying the music and drowned in the rhythms. I was bedazzled just by seeing him.

You know what, what happened next was like the universe supported me and my feeling: our home is in the same direction then he drove me home, hahaha! So, on that night we both were in the car, talking about small stuff (so thankful for the traffic jam which held us only for a minute longer :p) while I kept feeling the butterfly flew freely on my stomach.

I didn’t know who he was, I haven’t met him even knew his name before. He just popped up and I was stunned by him, but at that time I really expected nothing. Running into this weird feeling with this stranger was enough fun for me, because I knew that sometimes, certain things happened just to be remembered.

Time flew. Many things took place in my life, his life. Nothing happened between us until 1 year later, a direct message came into my IG. There was a reply to my IgStory from him. Then I felt the same butterfly from that night a year ago come back into my stomach :)

One thing that I’m grateful for is the fact that he stays. This person has transformed from a stranger into my best friend and my lover, from no one to the one. He stays no matter how careless and forgetful I am. He faces my selfishness patiently. He listens to my stories, even my babble. He has successfully screwed up the wall I have built around for years.

And today, one year has passed since the day he asked me to be with him. Happy anniversary to us, so blessed to have you :)

- February 2020
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[HELLO STRANGERS #01] We are All Family!

A friend may be waiting behind a stranger's face - Maya Angelou

It happened about 8 years ago (2012) at an airport in Bandung. I just graduated from senior high school and would pursue my bachelor degree. At that time, I was in Bandung to join the CAD national competition while waiting for SMBPTN result so I packed all my bags: 1 big size suitcase, 1 big size travel bag and 1 backpack, not for going back to Medan.

I was accepted in Udayana University, Bali. So, I took the flight from Bandung to Bali, alone. That was my first time going that far from home just myself. I have ever taken a flight before, I know the step from check-in until take off, but I don’t know how to react if something unexpected happens. And yes, that happened: my baggage was overweight! I had to pay more or my bags must be left at airport. I was panic. I was like I want to cry but realized that nothing will change if I cry so I decided not to. Well, I was just a teenager who was traveling alone :’D

While I was thinking, the officer saw my ID then a magic happened. She said, “Oh, are you Saragih?”

“Yes, I am.” I answered. Saragih is my family name. I am Bataknese.

“I am Saragih too!” She said, looking interested. “What will you do in Bali? Are you traveling alone?”

“I am going to college. Yes, I am alone.”

Then she kept her eyes on her right and left, and said “Okay, no need to pay for the overweight. This is your boarding pass.” She gave me a piece of paper with a smile on her face.
With happy face I took the boarding pass and said thank you to her and thank you to GOD.

Since then, I have always amazed how the strangers can be so kind to help us in an unexpected way. Like her, it was just because we have the same family name, and I know it means a lot to Bataknese people.

And I believe, there are still so many other nice strangers out there that will cross their path with us, or are we the strangers itself?

- January 2020
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[Book Review] Hujan Bulan Juni - Sapardi Djoko Damono

Saya ingat terakhir kali saya mengulas sebuah buku, sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu, dan saya teringat akan hal yang membuat saya berhenti menulis ulasan buku: sebuah buku karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer yang berjudul Gadis Pantai. Entah kenapa, seketika nyali saya ciut ketika berhadapan dengan sebuah nama besar 'Pramoedya'. Siapalah saya ini yang berani-beraninya mengutarakan pendapat tentang karya seorang penulis besar. Dan yaa, keengganan menulis ulasan itu ternyata terus berlanjut dan tanpa sadar sudah 3 tahun berlalu.

Kemudian, hari ini saya berhadapan lagi dengan sebuah nama besar: Sapardi Djoko Damono, dengan sebuah novel karyanya yang berjudul Hujan Bulan Juni. Namun kali ini saya tidak lagi ciut. Demi memulai kembali kebiasaan menulis, saya pecut perasaan pengecut keluar dari hati saya, menghidupkan laptop dan mulai menulis :D

Saya mengenal Bapak Sapardi dari sebuah puisi terkenal yang salah satu barisnya yang berkata 'aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana...'. Puisi indah itulah yang mengantarkan saya membeli salah satu buku puisi terbarunya yang berjudul Perihal Gendis -yang kemudian ditandatangani oleh Bapak Sapardi sendiri :D- dan meminjam buku Hujan Bulan Juni dari perpustakaan Ruang Baca.

Hujan Bulan Juni bercerita tentang kisah kasih Sarwono dan Pingkan, seorang dosen muda dan asisten dosen di universitas ternama Indonesia. Hal yang paling saya sukai tentang  membaca karya seorang penulis terkenal adalah saya tidak perlu takut dikecewakan oleh karya mereka. Seperti buku ini, ceritanya sama sekali tidak klise. Semua bagian: dialog, potongan kejadian, alur, cara penulisan, semuanya seperti punya karakter sendiri, celotehan dan candaan tidak pasaran. Seperti semuanya itu memang punya Sapardi seorang.

Alur cerita dibuat dinamis, tidak monoton, walaupun novel ini terlihat sangat simple, se-simple jumlah halamannya yang hanya berisi 133 halaman. Jenis novel yang bisa dibaca beberapa jam tanpa stop, karena memang ceritanya sangat mengalir. Saya sendiri tenggelam dalam kisah Sarwono dan Pingkan, tentang besarnya rasa sayang mereka, tentang besarnya kegelisahan mereka satu sama lain, tentang fantasi dan asumsi masing-masing satu sama lain, tentang betapa dekat dan tulusnya rasa mereka untuk saling mengusahakan satu sama lain.

Dan saya percaya, dalam suatu karya seorang pastilah mengandung karakter/roh/jiwa pembuatnya yang memang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Lahir pada tahun 1940 (yang berarti tahun ini Bapak Sapardi sudah berumur 79 tahun, dan pada tahun 2015 saat cetakan pertama buku ini, Bapak Sapardi berumur 75 tahun), Bapak Sapardi dalam menulis Hujan Bulan Juni ini melibatkan isu tentang perbedaan adat, budaya dan agama di dalam ceritanya, seperti Sarwono yang Jawa dan Pingkan yang campuran Jawa dan Manado, serta Pingkan yang bingung apakah itu Jawa atau Manado, atau seperti Sarwono yang Islam dan Pingkan yang Kristen.

Entah kenapa, saya juga melihat hal yang sama pada karya penulis  senior Pramoedya Ananta Toer yang berjudul Bumi Manusia, tentang Minke yang Jawa dan Annelies yang campuran antara Jawa dan Eropa, yang juga bingung apakah ia seorang Jawa atau Eropa namun selalu menyakinkan dirinya bahwa ia Jawa. Dan sepertinya aspek budaya ini ditekankan berkali-kali dalam cerita seakan penulis memang ingin meng-highlight hal ini. Tak hanya itu, karakter budaya ini juga masuk meresap ke dalam setiap karakter, teruwujud dari watak, gestur dan dialog setiap karakter.  

Berbeda dengan penulis muda sekarang yang sepertinya jarang mengangkat karakter budaya dalam ceritanya atau hanya menampilkan budaya anak muda jaman sekarang: dialog-dialog lo-gue, karakter yang hedon, hobi nongkrong, tinggal di apartemen mewah dan punya karir bagus dalam kehidupannya. Pemikiran seperti ini membuat saya menduga-duga, apakah pada zamannya, penulis-penulis senior itu hidup sangat dekat dengan kebudayaan dan perbedaan kebudayaan itu sendiri sehingga dengan sendirinya membawa hal tersebut kedalam cerita-ceritanya?

Hujan Bulan Juni juga menyadarkan saya bahwa tidak ada yang salah dalam membuat karya, kau bisa melakukan apa saja dalam karyamu. Dalam novel ini saya temukan  Bapak Sapardi menulis satu kaliamat sepanjang satu paragraf tanpa tanda baca tanpa titik tantap koma ataupun tanda tanya. Sama seperti beberapa lirik lagu bahasa Inggris yang tidak sesuai grammar, atau seperti seorang arsitek yang merancang sebuah kandang/rumah anjing dengan beton dan lengkap dengan pencahayaan dan penghawaan alaminya, atau seperti Taylor Swift yang tidak mempromosikan albumnya yang berjudul 'Reputation' karena sesuai dengan nama albumnya, ia membiarkan album tersebut tersebar dengan sendirinya, dengan reputasi yang dia punya. See? Tidak ada yang salah dengan karyamu, justru dari situlah kau bisa mengangkat keunikan orisinalitasmu. Seperti kata Andrea Hirata, "Berkaryalah dan karya itu akan menemukan nasibnya sendiri."

- pada suatu Sabtu
Mei, 2019

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Naik Motor ke Wae Rebo? Kenapa Nggak?

Pagi itu aku dibangunkan oleh suara kokok ayam dan udara dingin yang masuk melalui celah-celah kecil potongan papan. Di dalam masih gelap. Lantai papan beralaskan tikar, sebuah bantal kapuk dan selimut tebal menjadi teman tidur ku sepanjang malam itu, bersama puluhan orang asing lainnya. Kami tidur bersebelah-sebelahan membentuk lingkaran dalam satu rumah tradisional yang hangat. Tanpa listrik, tanpa sinyal. Sederhana dan apa adanya.

Menyadari di luar sudah terang, aku buru-buru keluar, tidak mau melewatkan moment pagi itu. Udara dingin dan sejuk, sejauh mata memandang hanyalah beberapa rumah kerucut tinggi, pegunungan dengan pepohonan hijau yang ditutupi kabut bergerak, dan beberapa orang yang juga sedang menikmati pagi. Huah, nikmat sekali. Ku pejamkan mataku rapat-rapat sambil menarik nafas dalam, menikmati detik demi detik berlalu... Dulu, Wae Rebo adalah salah satu mimpi, dan sekarang Wae Rebo adalah salah satu mimpi yang terwujud.

Ya, nama tempat itu Wae Rebo, sebuah desa di Kabupaten Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur yang terletak di ketinggian 1200 m di atas permukaan laut. Orang-orang menyebutnya 'Desa di atas Awan'. Bagaimana tidak? Untuk sampai di desa ini, aku harus melewati perjalanan panjang: 6 jam naik motor dan 3 jam treking.

Naik Motor Menuju Desa Denge - Tanpa GPS

Umumnya, untuk pergi ke Wae Rebo, orang-orang menggunakan transportasi mobil atau travel. Namun demi menghemat pengeluaran, kami pergi menuju Wae Rebo bermodalkan sebuah motor yang di sewa dengan tarif Rp.70.000 per hari dari Labuhan Bajo. Bila biasanya rute yang dilalui mobil mengambil rute utara (mengarah ke Desa Ruteng), kali ini kami mengambil rute jalur selatan: Labuan Bajo - Lembor - Nangalili - Borik - Dintor - Denge. Dengan rute ini, kami menempuh perjalanan yang lebih singkat, hanya 6 jam.

peta rute jalur selatan

Kalau ada yang mengira perjalanan 6 jam naik motor akan melelahkan, maaf kalian salah besar :p. Karena ternyata, selama perjalanan kami sungguh disuguhkan pengalaman yang luar biasa seru. Mulai dari jembatan yang belum selesai, jalanan mulus, jalanan berbatu, sampai jalanan putus. Hahaha. Ya, jalan ini memang putus, diputus oleh aliran sungai dan itu terlihat jelas di google map. Kami harus membawa motor menyebrangi sungai kecil. Aliran airnya dangkal memang, tapi sayangnya skill kami belum mencukupi untuk membawa motor matic itu melewati sungai. Untungnya kami bertemu warga lokal yang menawarkan diri untuk membantu.

jalan mulus

jalan terputus sungai (1)

jalan berbatu

jalan terputus sungai (2)
Belum lagi di sepanjang perjalanan kami bertemu dengan segerombolan anak SD yang sedang berjalan kaki, mungkin hendak pulang ke rumahnya. Dan lucunya, mereka sangat antusias melihat pengendara yang lewat, terlebih lagi wisatawan. Kami tidak lupa menyapa dan memberikan salam tos melalui motor, dan mereka membalas sambil tertawa kegirangan. Hahaha.

hai adik-adiiik, tos duluu :D

Perjalanan ini juga tidak didukung oleh GPS. Boro-boro internet, sinyal telepon saja tidak ada. Kami hanya mengandalkan map yang di screen shoot, palang jalan dan warga lokal. Jalan yang kami lewati cenderung sepi. Tidak ada SPBU, warung pun hanya terlihat sesekali. Tapi sepanjang perjalanan, warga lokal sangat ramah dan tak segan membantu kami menunjukkan arah.

Setelah memasuki Desa Nanga Lili, jalanan mulai memasuki jalur tepi pantai. Sepanjang jalan kami bisa melihat laut dan pulau-pulau yang terletak bersebelahan dengan pulau Nusa Tenggara Timur. Bagaimana bisa perjalanan ini membosankan, kalau setiap berapa menit sekali kami berhenti, set kamera dan kemudian berfoto-foto ria :D

pemandangan di sepanjang jalur pantai

pemandangan sepanjang jaur pantai

Pulau Mules dari kejauhan

Lanjut Treking, Wae Rebo Sudah Semakin Dekat

Perjalanan dengan motor berhenti sampai di Desa Denge dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan treking selama 3-4 jam. Kami parkir di Pos 1, motor dititipkan pada seorang kakek yang berjaga disitu. Untuk bisa naik menuju ke Wae Rebo, ternyata setiap pengunjung harus ditemani oleh porter lokal. Untunglah pada saat melewati Desa Denge, kami bertemu Eksi, pemuda yang juga berasal dari Wae Rebo yang bersedia mengantarkan kami naik bahkan sampai ikut menginap dan kembali mengantarkan kami pulang dengan selamat. Selama treking, Eksi banyak bercerita tentang Wae Rebo.

Sampai di Pos 1

masyarakat Wae Rebo yang turun ke bawah dan kembali naik untuk membawa logistik

jembatan ini pertanda Wae Rebo sudah dekat

Ketika perjalanan sudah hampir sampai ke Desa Wae Rebo, terdapat sebuah bangunan kayu bernama Rumah Kasih Ibu. Di rumah itu terdapat sebuah kentongan yang harus dibunyikan untuk memberitahu bahwa akan ada tamu yang datang ke Desa Waerebo, sebagai alat komunikasi karena di daerah ini sama sekali tidak ada sinyal.

Rumah Kasih Ibu

Pentungan Rumah Kasih Ibu

Tak jauh dari Rumah Kasih Ibu, akhirnya kami sampai di desa yang khas dengan rumah tradisional kerucutnya itu, Wae Rebo! Kami langsung dibawa ke salah satu rumah, yaitu Rumah Gendang. Di rumah itu kami bertemu dengan kepala adat dan disambut dengan upacara sederhana. Kemudian, kami juga dijelaskan tentang peraturan yang berlaku di desa Wae Rebo, tentang apa yang boleh dilakukan dan tidak boleh dilakukan. Selanjutnya kami diantarkan ke salah satu rumah Mbaru Niang yang memang disediakan untuk wisatawan yang mau menginap.

welcome to Wae Rebo!!!

menjemur kopi.

bersama kepala adat

rumah baca di Desa Wae Rebo

Anak-anak yang tinggal di desa Wae Rebo

yang membedakan Rumah Gendang dengan rumah lainnya adalah tanda yang terdapat pada puncak atap rumah tersebut

wisatawan bersama masyarakat lokal Wae Rebo

suasana rumah asli masyarakat Wae Rebo, bagian bawah rumah dijadikan sebagai tempat penyimpanan barang atau tempat bertenun

Anak-anak bersama salah satu wisatawan asing. Di Wae Rebo, wisatawan bebas melebur bersama masyarakat lokal.

makan bersama. Hidup di Wae Rebo seperti pulang ke rumah dengan masakan rumah yang sederhana.

Pencahayaan alami dari jendela rumah Mbaru Niang

Area pemandian umum

bersama Eksi, pemuda asal Wae Rebo yang baiiiik banget mau mengantar dan menemani kita selama di Wae Rebo

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Transit 6 Jam di Ambon, Bisa Kemana Aja?

Apa yang kamu bayangkan tentang transit? Menunggu penerbangan selanjutnya di suatu bandara dengan bosan dan bengong? Bingung mau ngapain, apalagi kalau pergi sendirian dan harus transit selama berjam-jam?

Entah kenapa, kalau saya sendiri dalam perjalan yang tidak terburu-buru, I do love transit! For me, it's like a bonus. Dengan tiket satu perjalanan pulang atau pergi, saya diberikan bonus untuk sejenak melihat paling tidak bandara yang lain selain bandara asal atau tujuan. Dan ketika itu terjadi di bandara yang terletak di kota kecil, kesempatan transit haruslah dimanfaatkan untuk: JALAN-JALAN! Hahaha

Sekembalinya dari Dobo (sebuah kota di kepulauan Aru), saya harus transit di Ambon selama 6 jam untuk kembali ke Jakarta. 6 jam! Whoaa, waktu yang sangat cukup untuk melihat-lihat kota ini dalam sekilas, bahkan cukup untuk menikmati semangkuk rujak di pinggir pantai. Gak percaya? Berikut destinasi yang bisa di kunjungi ketika kamu hanya punya 6 jam di Kota Ambon.

peta destinasi yang bisa kamu kunjungi

1. Monumen Dr. J. Leimena

Diresmikan tahun 2012, monumen ini dibangun untuk mengenang jasa Dr. J. Leimena, salah satu pahlawan Indonesia asal Maluku dan satu-satunya tokoh politik yang menjabat menjadi menteri selama 21 tahun berturut-turut tanpa terputus dalam 18 kabinet yang berbeda, daebak!
Monumen ini menempati areal seluas 704 m2 dengan patung yang terbuat dari perunggu setinggi 5m. Patung tersebut didirikan di atas tugu 9 sisi dan didukung 5 bidang lingkaran yang melambangkan budaya masyarakat Maluku.

2. Universitas Pattimura

Universitas ini merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi negri yang ada di Ambon dan merupakan universitas dengan peringkat terbaik di antara universitas yang ada di kepulauan Maluku dan Papua.

3. Jembatan Merah Putih

Jembatan kabel pancang yang menjadi ikon kota Ambon ini wajib banget dikunjungi. Seperti kamu tahu, Kota Ambon dibelah oleh teluk Ambon sehingga berada dalam lengkungan yang berbentuk huruf U. Jembatan inilah yang membentangi teluk dalam Pulau Ambon yang menghubungkan Desa Rumah Tiga (Poka) dan Desa Hative Kecil/Galala. Jembatan ini merupakan jembatan terpanjang di Indonesia Timur dan diresmikan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo pada April 2016.

4. Gereja Maranatha GPM

Gereja ini merupakan gereja yang menjadi sentral pelayanan Sinode Gereja Protestan Maluku (GPM). Gedung gereja yang telah ditetapkan sebagai salah satu cagar budaya di Maluku ini dibangun pada tahun 1952 dan diresmikan pada tahun 1954.

5. Lapangan Merdeka Ambon

Pergi melihat-lihat lapangan merdeka dan berfoto di tulisan 'AMBON MANISE' adalah suatu kewajiban. Lapangan ini letaknya bersebrangan dengan Gereja Maranatha GPM. Di Lapangan Merdeka  juga terdapat Taman Pattimura dengan Monumen Pattimura berdiri gagah perkasa dengan parang di tangan kanan dan perisai di tangan kirinya.

6. Monumen Gong Perdamaian Dunia

source: picgra.com

Tak jauh dari Lapangan Merdeka, terdapat Monumen Gong Perdamaian yang dibangun sebagai peringatan sebuah tragedi kemanusiaan di Ambon pada tahun 1999 silam. Dibangun di pusat kegiatan kota Ambon yang sempat hancur akibat kerusuhan SARA tersebut, berdiri monumen gong berukuran diameter sekitar 2 m dengan permukaan berisi gambar-gambar bendera negara dan beberapa lambang agama besar yang ada di dunia.

7. Rumah Kopi Sibu-Sibu

sagu, koyabu dan tart labu

Setelah lelah berjalan-jalan, ngopi dan mencicipi camilan loka merupakan pilihan tepat. Salah satu kedai kopi yang terkenal adalah  Rumah Kopi Sibu-Sibu. Disini saya mencicipi jajalan lokal seperti Sagu, Koyabu dan Tart labu. Kedai kopi ini seakan menjadi saksi bisu perdamaian di Ambon sejak kerusuhan tahu 1999 karena mampu menjadi tempat berkumpul warga Ambon dari berbagai kelompok.

8. Monumen Christina Martha Tiahahu

Terletak tak jauh dari pusat kota Ambon, terbangun sebuah monumen untuk mengenang gadis pemberani dari Maluku, Christina Martha Tiahahu. Christina merupakan seorang gadis yang ikut berperang bersama ayahnya serta pasukan Pattimura. Untuk mengenang 'Mutiara dari Timur' ini, patung Christina sengaja dibangun menghadap ke Laut Banda di atas dataran tinggi di daerah Karang Panjang, Ambon.

9. Pantai Natsepa

Setelah melihat monumen dan bangunan bersejarah, tidak ada salahnya untuk menikmati pantai di kota Ambon sejenak. Pantai Natsepa dapat ditempuh selama kurang lebih 30 menit dari pusat kota Ambon. Selain menikmati pasir putih, angin sepoi-sepoi dan deburan ombak yang menyejukkan, saya juga menikmati semangkuk rujak yang ada di warung sepanjang pinggiran pantai. Hmm.. destinasi yang cukup santai untuk mengakhiri perjalanan mengelilingi kota Ambon sebelum kembali lagi ke bandara melanjutkan penerbangan. So? Masih memandang transit sebagai sesuatu yang membosankan? :P

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Tentang Jingga dan Kelabu

Dulu kita pernah
sama-sama mengagumi senja
Lalu setelahnya
memuja sajak-sajak ku
yang terlahir karena senja
dan melodi musik mu
yang juga tercipta karena senja

Tapi kini yang tersisa hanya kelabu
Diikuti butiran air yang lesu
Ntah itu hujan mu
atau air mata ku

Jingga ku hilang
bersama dengan debu.

- Desember 2018
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21 Trains of Thoughts

A writing project with Arga and Mona about what we learned about life for 21 days. Inspired by my favorite blog, beradadisini.

Just let your life teaches you something every single day! :)

Day 21. Monday, May 6, 2018


#Learnedfrom This 21 Trains of Thoughts writing project. 
I and my friend started this writing project with the purpose that we want to practice our English by writing. Many people said the best way to learn something especially a language is by reading or speaking, but for me it is by writing. In general, we can call it repeating. When we write, we don't just speak about what we want to tell but we repeat and put attention to grammar also. We just want to learn more, that's why you'll find a lot of grammar error in this :P But I'm not sorry for that because, one more, we just want to learn. That's it.
#MyTrainofThought >> Then, after 21 nights of remembering what I've got on this whole one day, writing a story day by day, translating and googling for the sentences I didn't know before, sleeping away when writing and waking up with my laptop still in front of my head (with a loooot of 'iiiiiiii' on screen because the letter 'i' accidentally typed at the time I slept hahaha), I've not only got English lesson but also a life lesson about: commitment. I realized that  commitment is really hard, it's far more than word. In this past 21 days I ever think that I'm too tired and sleepy to continue this project. But I have made that commitment and I have to against myself, my laziness, my excuses. Event though this writing project is just a small thing, 
I believe one thing, a done-commitment will give you a gift at the end. Committing on dating gives you marriage. Committing on marriage gives you a happy family, committing on study gives you bachelor and a job, and committing on a writing project gives you many lesson you can realize in your life. Dear life, thank you so much :)

Day 20. Saturday, May 5, 2018


#Learnedfrom Actually, every time when people asked me about my decision to resign and move to the other company, I always ask a question to myself: Is this decision better for me? Is it the God's will for my life or not? What if the future isn't like what I expected? And another so many is-it and what-if question.
#MyTrainofThought >> When I joined Student Camp by Perkantas few years ago, there is a sermon from a priest about hoe can be a mature Christian. He said that my is-it and what-if question is just a childish question. Stop questioning God like that. Be brave in your faith. 
Be a mature Christian. Believe that whatever your work is, as long as you seek Him first, God always there for you. A book titled Purposed Driven Life said that the fact is, there are so many different careers that could be in God's will in your life. What God cares about the most is whatever you do, you do in Christlike manner :)

Day 19, Friday, May 4, 2018


#Learnedfrom I don't know know what to write for today, but one thing happen and it reminds me of one lesson that life ever taught me some times ago. It was about fight for someone. It was not about something extreme like you fight for someone until you die or something, but it was just simply like you do something (even that is not you at all) for someone you love, someone that you want be with.Previously, I was too cuek (idk how to say it in English :D) to fight for someone. And sometimes I rejected people who try to fight for me. But some times ago, I was faced with the moment when I want to fight for someone, but I didn't know how to do it. I tried, and then I realized that was so hard. I was not brave enough even just for saying hello or good morning, because I knew it was not so me. 
#MyTrainofThought >> On that day, I got one point to learn: appreciating people. I learned to appreciate people even though I didn't agree with the way he/she did. I learned to appreciate people because I know how hard to fight for someone is. I learned to give the right respond so I don't break people's heart. And I amazed by how life teaches us to be more mature through random things like this :)

Day 18, Thursday, May 3, 2018


#Learnedfrom Wisnutama (CEO NET) on Sarah Sechan talk show (kesasar sebenarnya, after watching NET 5.O on youtube :D)Wisnutama is one of people who inspired me. I respect him for the way he lead his company, his humbleness, the way he think, his creativity. He dares to be different. And he is sooo cool and charismatic (padahal udah bapak" tapi kok keren yaaa wkwk)
#MyTrainofThought >> I love when Sarah Sechan asked him to give message for his 'fans' about how to be success, and he said "For me, I always do my best and if there is any chance, I use it properly. I never escape, I never give up. If you have dream, go for it, do not just dreaming." On the other interview, he also said,"I don't like gambling. Life is about preparation and opportunity can come anytime." Right know, that chance has came for me. I always think that I'm not ready yet, but I know that I shouldn't give up :)

Day 17, Wednesday, May 2, 2018


#Learnedfrom Phone call conversation with my brother, Bang Wiwin.God created each of us complete with our own talents. What's yours? Is it dancing? Singing? Or drawing? We live our life with that gift. But oftentimes, we keep that talents just for ourselves. We don't share, we don't collaborate, or the worst is we don't realize that we have that talents. Don't you know that your abilities might impact other people's life?
#MyTrainofThought >> Go explore your talents that have been given to you for free. Maximize it for the good of others and for your gratitude to God so you don't just live for yourself. Learn, share, collaborate, do something. God didn't create you just like that, he has a purpose for you :)

Day 16, Tuesday, May 1, 2018


#Learnedfrom Dissapointed. By human. What are you expecting from human? They are temporary, fragile, weak, untrusted, changed. We all are just a breath.
#MyTrainofThought >> Bible said."Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD." If you realize that human is unreliable, why don't you start to rely on God? :)

Day 15, Monday, April 30, 2018


#Learnedfrom an inspiring and heartwarming film titled Wonder.
Lives with facial differences, August Pullman always feels that he is the only one kid who is not ordinary, the most suffering kid in the world, no one can compare they struggle with his.
#MyTrainofThought >> Everybody is not ordinary. Not only you or me, we are all not ordinary. We all have our own problem. We all have our own scar even it can be seen or not. You just need to see clearly. Don't ever feel like the world is just all about you :)

Day 14, Sunday, April 29, 2018


#Learnedfrom Proverbs 4:23.Your heart is your eyes of life, it determines how you see the world. The growth of your heart capacity is your priority, above all else. Your heart leads you to every single decision that you make. Your heart is what God seeks from you because He doesn't look at the things people look.
#MyTrainofThought >> So, if the condition of our heart cause a huge impact in our live, how to enlarge our heart capacity? The answer is by serving (Matthew 20:26-28), giving (2 Corinthians 8:1-5), and forgiving (Matthew 18:21-22). Let our heart full of mercy and magnanimity :)

Day 13, Saturday, April 28, 2018


 #Learnedfrom Have you ever feel like your life is flat or stagnant? You have walked far away but you don't see your life going anywhere. You are not capable enough to do anything. You can't fulfill other people's expectation. People around you seems like running and catching, but you are not. 
#MyTrainofThought >> Whoever who feel like that (including me), i just want to tell you one thing. Just take a little step and keep doing that. Start and do. Okay, I know starting is the hardest part, but if you able to beat yourself at first, the rest will be easier. The rest will be easier, Vi! :)

Day 12. Friday, April 27, 2018


#Learnedfrom My craving for Jco chocolate donuts but my brain said, "Don't, vi. Too much calories." I am the type of people that full of consideration even for fulfilling my desire like craving for food, hehe :P Not only that, that so-much-consideration also happen when I decide to accept someone invitation or not, reply the message directly or later and many more. It just like there are so many conversations in my head before I act for something. I am complicated, yes I know it.
#MyTrainofThought >> Sometimes, what my heart want is not compatible with what my brain want. My desire stumble with my logic. But today I learned to persuade my brain and follow what my heart desire. I ordered half dozen donuts from Jco by GoFood (please don't think I eat all the donuts alone, I swear I shared with my friends at office). When the donuts came, I picked the chocolate one with chocolate filling and eat. Do you know how that feel? Enak bangeeettt! I didn't regret it at all. So guys, don't be so hard on yourself. It's okay to break your logical system free sometimes :)

Day 11. Thursday, April 26, 2018


#Learnedfrom a conversation with heart about what is good and right. Oftentimes, world offers us something discord to what we believe to be true. Our respond is depend on our choice. Even it difficult, we have to choose.
#MyTrainofThought >> If you are in this situation, just listen to your heart. You are the only human who really know what is right for you. Then, what if our heart don't say the right things? For me, that's why our understanding of God's word is very important. It shapes us. It directs our mind, our principle and our attitude to the right way. Trust me, if you have the right understanding of the God's word, your heart will generate all the right thing. If you have to lose because your integrity, just do it. You may lose in the eye of world, but you win in God :) 

Day 10. Wednesday, April 25, 2018


#Learnedfrom a conversation with my boss at office. As a human, we oftentimes stuck at our problem. We assume and complain. We always feel like there is something not enough and need to change. 
#MyTrainofThought >> We can learn to face our problem by trying to look at from another's perspective. Don't just see the things from your eyes. Try to see from other people's eyes: your friend, your parents, your siblings, your boss. Find out how they see by the way they see so you can be wiser and wiser :)

Day 9. Tuesday, April 24, 2018


#Learnedfrom the way God answered my prayer.Have you ever complained to God because He seemed like not listening your pray? Yes, I have.
#MyTrainofThought >> As a Creator, God knows everything about His creation, you and me. About your best time, your best plan, your best future. And God is always on time. I tell you, He always on time. Just be patience in your waiting because when the time comes, you'll see how amazing He works in your life. If you ever complained and judged Him before, let it be your experience in understanding your Almighty God. Thank you Jesus, so sorry for being so childish all this time :)

Day 8. Monday, April 23, 2018


#Learnedfrom I started this day with grumpy mood. Don't know why, it felt like my stress from this past three days summed up and then exploded this morning. I cried. I felt so exhausted for all the work that not finished yet, for all the pressure, for all things that asked for the priority.
#MyTrainofThought >> You can read my story about many unexpected things happen in my hectic day in this past three days below. I was panicked, worried, busy, but i think i succeeded to manage it well by smile, laugh and be grateful. But that was not happened today. So i make this conclusion: actually, that bad energy is never gone. At that time, you just tried to be calm by covering it with your smile, your laugh. But that bad emotion still there. I realize that people have to take all that bad emotion out to stay alive. Find your own way like singing or dancing. Mine is crying :)

Day 7. Sunday, April 22, 2018


#Learnedfrom Sunday sermon this morning. The Preacher asked, “Is there someone here who is praying for something for long time? But it seems like God never answer. Feeling disappointed, then you live your settle life. You may keep asking God but in the long run you set down your expectation. Is there any?”
#MyTrainofThought >> Just because we don’t see it, doesn’t mean God isn’t working. Learned from Abraham, God plans extend far beyond your mind. He doesn’t just add, he multiplies. And remember this, God is not finished with your life yet :) 

Day 6. Friday, April 21, 2018


#Learnedfrom A ‘curhat’ session with Jessica and Mona at Pagesbud.  In life, we keep growing and learning. On that process, there will be a moment that we disappoint people accidentally. And there will be a moment that we have to choose who we want to be with and who we want to listen.  
#MyTrainofThought >> A social circle. This makes it easy for you to priority people in your life. Put God in the first circle. And put the one who really know you and always there for you in the second like you parents, your siblings, your best friend, and your heart. Then put the rest in the third, fourth and so on. You can’t makes everybody happy, your happiness counts too :) 

Day 5. Friday, April 20, 2018


#Learnedfrom all unexpected things that happened today.
#MyTrainofThought >> Human always makes a plan. But sometimes, in our life, something happen and break that plan just like that. You can't choose what will happen in your life, but you can give a right respond by being flexible. Like a rubber, a pressure or a tension will not hurt you. Thank God after all the unexpected things that happen today, I still can being grateful and not complain. I smile and then laugh, believing that all things happen for a reason :) 

Day 4. Thursday, April 19, 2018


#Learnedfrom a hectic day like today. So many works have to be done, so many things to do. Time flies so fast. The clock never stop ticking and you have to run. "You can't be slow, or you will left behind" they said.
#MyTrainofThought >> When there is so many things in your head as if it could explode anytime, all you need is a pause. Close your eyes for a while. Be still and take a breathe. Count from one to ten, then see what you get :) 

Day 3. Wednesday, April 18, 2018


#Learnedfrom my attempt on asking a work permission to my boss for Simalungun event. I have tried once, but it didn't work. So, I looked for another way and then tried again. Thank God, it was finally work!
#MyTrainofThought >> Since my mother told me the rule about asking or hoping for something, it becomes to be one of my life principle, until now. You may think that life treat you unfair, feel like you never get what you want. But the thing is, have you done trying? Have you ever asked for it? Do you have that will? :) 

Day 2. Tuesday, April 17, 2018


#Learnedfrom a conversation with my uncle, Tulang Niko. People always worry about a lot of things, so do I. As an introvert, my lips might be quiet, but not for my brain. That makes me keep thinking and end up with.... assuming.
#MyTrainofThought is do not assume easily before you know the truth. Your suspicion is not always right, assuming will not bring you anywhere. Like my mother said, "kalau meminta itu tangan di bawah. Dikasih syukur, gak dikasih ya gak papa, yang penting sudah mencoba." Stop assuming, just try and find the answer :)

Day 1. Monday, April 16, 2018


#Learnedfrom so many weaknesses that make my day a mess today, and this past two days. Shout out to my inability to manage my time that makes me always late, my incompetence to explore my field of work, being insecure all the time, worrying about what people think about me, my stupid pride that says 'I can live without others' and a high and thick barrier wall i have build all this time.
#MyTrainofThought >> You have to be strong, but it's okay to be weak sometimes. It's okay to show to others your weakness, that you are weak. You are not perfect, no one is perfect. It's okay to ask a favor, it's okay to rely on someone, it's okay to let someone help you. It's okay to let someone in and break your barrier wall. You can't live alone in this big world, you need people. And people need you :)

image source : http://pixar.wikia.com/wiki/Train_of_Thought

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